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Barbed Wire Boundaries
If you feel like you have been caught in barbed wire in your relationship with your adult child, you might ask yourself if you are trying to break down a boundary they have established to create independence from you? Is there a better way for you to have a relationship with your adult child?
It’s NOT About YOU!
Thinking about ourselves first is a very common reaction from those of us who have loved ones who have left the church. We get wrapped up in how this news affects us. How we are going to look at church, how we are going to respond when our loved one wants to bring home their girl or boyfriend to stay overnight with us, how much we are hurting.
LDS Mixed-Faith Conversation Starters
What will change when my husband or child loses their faith or leaves the church? What will remain the same? What about the Word of Wisdom? Sabbath Day? Friends? Religious events? My LDS Mixed-Faith Conversation Starters workbook is a tool for discussing what’s next in a love-one’s faith journey.
5 Ways Having A Coach Helped Me When My Husband Left The Church
#1 - I couldn’t stop the spiraling thoughts that usually ended with fearful questions like, “What’s going to happen to me now?” Getting coached and self-coaching taught me how to stop those fearful thoughts and replace them with other thoughts that I found gave me the power over my thoughts.
I hope that each of my emails will be helpful to you. Mostly I write about relationships in LDS mixed-faith families. However, once in a while, I just need to let my love of growing flowers 🌼 🌻 and gardening shine 🌞 through!
If you have any specific topics or questions on your mind, feel free to reply to any of my emails and I will reach out to you.